Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
June 2014 - Volume 13, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Review article
Biomechanical Analysis of the Swim-Start: A Review
Julien Vantorre, Didier Chollet, Ludovic Seifert
2014, 13(2), 223-231

Research article
The Paroxetine Effect on Exercise Performance Depends on the Aerobic Capacity of Exercising Individuals
Francisco Teixeira-Coelho, João Paulo Uendeles-Pinto, Ana Cláudia Alves Serafim, Samuel Penna Wanner, Márcio de Matos Coelho, Danusa Dias Soares
2014, 13(2), 232-243

Research article
The Occurrence of Core Muscle Fatigue During High-Intensity Running Exercise and its Limitation to Performance: The Role of Respiratory Work
Tomas K. Tong, Shing Wu, Jinlei Nie, Julien S. Baker, Hua Lin
2014, 13(2), 244-251

Research article
The Influence of Serial Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing on Power Output during a Cycle Sprint
Shaun M. Phillips, Scott Findlay, Mykolas Kavaliauskas, Marie Clare Grant
2014, 13(2), 252-258

Research article
Effects and Sustainability of a 13-Day High-Intensity Shock Microcycle in Soccer
Patrick Wahl, Matthias Güldner, Joachim Mester
2014, 13(2), 259-265

Research article
An Enjoyable Distraction During Exercise Augments the Positive Effects of Exercise on Mood
Gregory J. Privitera, Danielle E. Antonelli, Abigail L. Szal
2014, 13(2), 266-270

Research article
Acute Impact of Inhaled Short Acting B-Agonists on 5 Km Running Performance
John Dickinson, Jiu Hu, Neil Chester, Mike Loosemore, Greg Whyte
2014, 13(2), 271-279

Research article
Acute Differences in Foot Strike and Spatiotemporal Variables for Shod, Barefoot or Minimalist Male Runners
Ciara McCallion, Bernard Donne, Neil Fleming, Brian Blanksby
2014, 13(2), 280-286

Research article
The Effects of Interset Rest on Adaptation to 7 Weeks of Explosive Training in Young Soccer Players
Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, David C. Andrade, Cristian Álvarez, Carlos Henríquez-Olguín, Cristian Martínez, Eduardo Báez-SanMartín, Juan Silva-Urra, Carlos Burgos, Mikel Izquierdo
2014, 13(2), 287-296

Research article
Effect of Court Dimensions on Players’ External and Internal Load during Small-Sided Handball Games
Matteo Corvino, Antonio Tessitore, Carlo Minganti, Marko Sibila
2014, 13(2), 297-303

Research article
Ball Machine Usage in Tennis: Movement Initiation and Swing Timing While Returning Balls from a Ball Machine and from a Real Server
Jan Carboch, Vladimir Süss, Tomas Kocib
2014, 13(2), 304-308

Research article
A Simplified Approach for Estimating the Ventilatory and Respiratory Compensation Thresholds
Giancarlo Condello, Ezekiel Reynolds, Carl Foster, Jos J. de Koning, Erika Casolino, Megan Knutson, John P. Porcari
2014, 13(2), 309-314

Research article
Does Acute Vibration Exercise Enhance Horizontal Jump Performance?
Darryl J. Cochrane, Hayden Booker
2014, 13(2), 315-320

Research article
Efficacy of the FIFA 11+ Warm-Up Programme in Male Youth Football: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
Oluwatoyosi B. A. Owoeye, Sunday R. A. Akinbo, Bosede A. Tella, Olajide A. Olawale
2014, 13(2), 321-328

Research article
The Effects of Cervical Muscle Fatigue on Balance – A Study with Elite Amateur Rugby League Players
Guy Gosselin, Michael J. Fagan
2014, 13(2), 329-337

Research article
Evaluation of the Physical Activity Biography: Sport and Transport
Sandra Rogen, Peter Hofmann, Thomas Bauernhofer, Wolfram Müller
2014, 13(2), 338-348

Research article
The Association of Flexibility, Balance, and Lumbar Strength with Balance Ability: Risk of Falls in Older Adults
Emilio J. Martínez-López Emilio, Fidel Hita-Contreras, Pilar M. Jiménez-Lara, Pedro Latorre-Román, Antonio Martínez-Amat
2014, 13(2), 349-357

Research article
Performance Indicators Related to Points Scoring and Winning in International Rugby Sevens
Dean G. Higham, Will G. Hopkins, David B. Pyne, Judith M. Anson
2014, 13(2), 358-364

Research article
Assessment of Isometric Trunk Strength – The Relevance of Body Position and Relationship between Planes of Movement
Andrej Kocjan, Nejc Sarabon
2014, 13(2), 365-370

Research article
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in an Ethnically Diverse Group of South African School Children
Joanne McVeigh, Rebecca Meiring
2014, 13(2), 371-378

Research article
Towards Uniform Accelerometry Analysis: A Standardization Methodology to Minimize Measurement Bias Due to Systematic Accelerometer Wear-Time Variation
Tarun R. Katapally, Nazeem Muhajarine
2014, 13(2), 379-386

Research article
Learning Effects Associated With the Least Stable Level of the Biodex® Stability System During Dual and Single Limb Stance
Mutlu Cug, Erik A. Wikstrom
2014, 13(2), 387-392

Research article
Moderate Recovery Unnecessary to Sustain High Stroke Volume during Interval Training. A Brief Report
Jamie Stanley, Martin Buchheit
2014, 13(2), 393-396

Research article
Balance Training Exercises Decrease Lower-Limb Strength Asymmetry in Young Tennis Players
Italo Sannicandro, Giacomo Cofano, Rosa A. Rosa, Andrea Piccinno
2014, 13(2), 397-402

Research article
Acute Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Balance, Agility, Reaction Time and Movement Time
Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Christos Galazoulas, Dimitrios Patikas, Christos Kotzamanidis
2014, 13(2), 403-409

Research article
Physiological Responses during Cycling With Oval Chainrings (Q-Ring) and Circular Chainrings
Alfredo Cordova, Iban Latasa, Jesus Seco, Gerardo Villa, Javier Rodriguez-Falces
2014, 13(2), 410-416

Research article
Comparative Kinematic Analysis of the Snatch Lifts in Elite Male Adolescent Weightlifters
Erbil Harbili, Ahmet Alptekin
2014, 13(2), 417-422

Research article
What is the Safest Sprint Starting Position for American Football Players?
Bruno Bonnechere, Benoit Beyer, Marcel Rooze, Jan Serge Van Sint
2014, 13(2), 423-429

Research article
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale (Petróczi, 2002)
Jaime Morente-Sánchez, Pedro Femia-Marzo, Mikel Zabala
2014, 13(2), 430-438

Research article
Correct, Fake and Absent Pre-Information Does Not Affect the Occurrence and Magnitude of the Bilateral Force Deficit
Lars Donath, Tobias Siebert, Oliver Faude, Christian Puta
2014, 13(2), 439-443

Case report
Could Low-Frequency Electromyostimulation Training be an Effective Alternative to Endurance Training? An Overview in One Adult
Gaëlle Deley, Nicolas Babault
2014, 13(2), 444-450

Case report
An Unusual Case of Traumatic Internal Carotid Artery Dissection during Snowboarding
George Kalantzis, Ilias Georgalas, Bernard Y.P. Chang, Chin Ong, Nabil El-Hindy
2014, 13(2), 451-453

Letter to editor
Lack of Enjoyment Reduces the Motivation to Succeed in Sport
Carra Johnson, Ronald J. Peters
2014, 13(2), 454-455

Letter to editor
Stereotypes of Athletes’ Use of Performance Enhancing Products
Carra Johnson, Ronald J. Peters
2014, 13(2), 456-457

Letter to editor
Reply to Letter to Editor: Stereotypes of Athletes’ Use of Performance Enhancing Products
Nkaku Kisaalita, Michael E. Robinson
2014, 13(2), 458-459

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